CFFA and PBA Endorsement Event

Friday, March 12, 2010

SPECIAL BULLETIN: Change in Polling Locations


Notice of City of Columbia's Resolution No.:R-2009-089 Authorizing Notice of 2010 Election for Mayor and Three Members of City Council.

CLICK HERE to view the resolution along with the AMENDED LIST OF VOTING LOCATIONS, CANDIDATES FOR THE 2010 MUNICIPAL ELECTION and much more information concerning the upcoming bi-partisan election.


March 11, 2010

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As always, I appreciate your continued support.

Register and Vote on Tuesday, April 6, 2010.

Every voice counts!

03.10.2010 IAFF Firefighters for Powell

March 10, 2010

IAFF Firefighters for Powell

Columbia City Council, District 4

I Accept this endorsement with sincere gratitude and will bring Public Safety back to the front line. This campaign has been a grassroots from the beginning and I have traveled many miles walking door to door and this effort is my top priority and on all of the minds of the citizens I have talked with as the first cand...idate to file Jan. 4th. I do not have my head in the sand and do believe that having priority funding to essential services and a watchful eye on "Pork Barrel Spending" using good Conservative Fiscal Responsibility we can turn this and many other issues around and move in a NEW POSITIVE DIRECTION!! Together, we can...

03.09.2010 Endorsement Appreciation

March 09, 2010

I am deeply humpled by todays endorsements from the Columbia Firefighters Association (CFFA) , Police Benevolent Association (PBA) and Firefighter Hourly. Public Safety is a top priority in this campaign and considered an Essential Service. Most importantly, I will find a way to fully restore funding our Police and Fir...e so our citizens can 100% feel safe. As a city, we should be able to give our Police and Fire the best Support, Tools and Training needed to keep our Recruitment and Retention at the highest level, instead of a training ground at the taxpayers expense. The men and women of our public safety departments put our lives in front of their own everyday and for that I say "Thank You".....My head is not in the sand and know the budgets are tight, but using Conservative Fiscal Responsibility and a vision,this can be done........ Together, we can...

03.08.2010 Firefighter Hourly Endorsement

March 08, 2010

Firefighter Hourly Endorsement Announcement

Click Here to read the full article on The Firefighter Hourly Website

Click Here for the Special Podcast

03.06.2010 CFFA & PBA Endoresement Event

March 06, 2010

One more step in the right direction. TOGETHER WE CAN and did...We are so excited to announce that we've won the highly anticipated Columbia Firefighter's Association and the Police Benevolent Association's campaign endorsements. Please join us for the official public announcement and acceptance.

Click Here to view the event details...

Monday, March 08, 2010 2PM @ Moe's Grapevine on Rosewood

As always, I appreciate your continued support!

Together, We can...

03.06.2010 Campaign Trail

March 06, 2010
On the campaign trail with my son, Walter III...Having a great time and working hard for our community.
Please don't forget to vote on Tuesday, April the 6th. Thank you for your continued support!
Together, We Can...